Bruno Correia

Hi, I’m Bruno Correia, creator of Digital History.
I love history; I find it fascinating and totally addictive. Among the pages of history books, we can find the most amazing stories, and the fact that those events really happen shroud them with a sense of awe that is hard to explain.

For me it was hard to believe why anyone would not love history as much as I do. It took me a long time to realize that many people can find it boring and confusing.

That is why I decided to create this project. I have a passion for letting people know about history, and I wanted to create a space where history could be accessible, fun and entertaining. At the same time, I want to be as rigorous as possible with my investigations, providing access to sources and material for those who want to go deeper.

I hope you enjoy this space and that you find my material fresh and interesting.
If you want to contact me, you can write to my email: (I will try to answer ASAP)


If you want to help me to keep developing new material, any donation will be welcomed. Feel free to chip in with whatever amount you can afford via Paypal.


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