The British Invasion to the River Plate

E1: From Cape Town to Buenos Aires

After the conquest of Capetown, Commodore Home Popham decides to test his luck by attacking the Spanish colonies in America with a small army and no authorization nor support from home.

E2: The Battle of Quilmes

The British fleet arrived at the mouth of the River Plate and face a dilemma. Attack Montevideo, a heavily defended city but a better base if conquered; or attack Buenos Aires, the capital, which requieres a treacherous and dangerous journey to get to.

E3: The Conquest of Buenos Aires

After his victory at Quilmes Beresford advances to Buenos Aires while the Spaniards prepared an improvised defense by the Riachuelo River.

E4: The British Occupation

Routing the Spanish troops and the Viceroy was just the first step. Now that the British had conquered the city, Beresford must get the support of the local elite while hiding the weakness of his army.

E5: The Spanish Resistance

Since day one of the occupation, the inhabitants of the city have started the resistance. What started as a disorganized plan, quickly gained support and become a very real danger for the British. Meanwhile, in Montevideo, the counterattack was being organized.