The Beare's Cadaster is one of the most important publications regarding Buenos Aires’ history.
This cadaster, which was the first created for the city, gave us a unique and intimate look into its population and urban development. Each map does not only show every plot and block in the city, but also adds information regarding the owners and the structure of each construction.

The creation of the cadaster was begun in 1860 by the British engineer Peter Beare. It took him more than ten years to finish the fourteen volumes and only a single copy of each was ever produced.
The digitalization of the whole cadaster was launched in 2006, and in 2013 I decided to start organizing all the digitalized documents and unify every individual illustration into a single image.
You can see all the details of this process in this article: Beare’s Cadaster Unification (In Spanish. The English is translation coming soon).

Until now, accessing this information was extremely difficult. The original books, for obvious reasons, cannot be view by the general public, and the 2006 digitalization is very difficult to find. That is why I decided to make my work public, so anyone could get access to this information in an accessible, dynamic and intuitive way.

This documentation has a huge value, and it is ideal for researches, institutions, architects, urban planes, historical enthusiast and anyone who has an inclination to appreciate fine pieces of art such as this hand drawn and painted cadaster.

What do you get with your buy?

All the files from Beare's Cadaster are presented in individual folders for each volume, with an index per folder. This helps greatly when browsing the documents.
Click on "More Info" to see all the index and the area cover by the cadaster.

The full unified cadaster is included, a job that took me two years to complete. This 950MB image, if printed, could produce a 8 by 5 meters image.

The cadaster can be access with Google Earth. The unified image was georeferenced to match Buenos Aires' current map.

The 2006 digitalization is included completely FREE. This is a way to preserve the legacy files that I used for the unification process.

Price: 40 USD